LEGO WeDo & Ozobot Robotics: Introduction to Coding – Upper West Side


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LEGO WeDo & Ozobot Robotics: Introduction to Coding

Coding and building robots = Most Fun Summer Camp Ever! We’ll code LEGO WeDo custom-built bot machines and create Ozobot hand-drawn, art-based programs using colors and shapes to guide our robots through fun challenges. And we’ll learn problem-solving, communication, socializing, and teamwork skills as we build and code new projects every day. Includes an introduction to the LEGO Boost robotics system! Robotics is the most fun way to learn computer science. Let’s code some bots!

“Young engineers ages 6-14 will build, play and learn together and on their own according to their interests and abilities. Your child may work on a project in either of the age groups listed here.”

Mars Mission Robotics: Coding with LEGO Mindstorms & Ozobot

SpaceX challenge accepted! We’re building the LEGO Mindstorms Mars Rover robot and coding it to explore a new planet. And we’ll use our new coding skills to guide the Rover’s helper, the tiny but powerful Ozobot Robot! Fun-first computer science skills come easy with Ozoblockly, the block-based programming language based on MIT’s Scratch software. Plus exciting introductions to new robotics and microcontroller systems like LEGO Boost, Hummingbird, and Micro:bit. This camp is all about coding, building, and inventing with bots through the Engineering Design Process. We’ll learn critical thinking, creative collaboration, and communication skills along the way. Twice the robots = twice the fun! 3, 2, 1…launch!