Single Day Pass – Inventing Our Future – Upper West Side

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Inventing Our Future

Do you ever imagine a better world? Love hands-on creativity? You’re ready to become an inventor. Let’s prototype alternative energy concepts, problem solve with our own crazy Rube Goldberg machines, and build microcomputer circuits with the Micro:bit. We’ll build with the Hummingbird invention kit too, all within the Engineering Design Process. From plans to prototypes–from our dreams to our future. Let’s start inventing!

“Young engineers ages 6-14 will build, play and learn together and on their own according to their interests and abilities. Your child may work on a project in either of the age groups listed here.”

Intro to Invention

Is there an artist, engineer, or inventor inside you ready to create? Budding designers, let’s build our own squishy circuits, magnetic pulleys, light up signs, water slide aqueducts, clean water filters and more, all through an eco-friendly Engineer Design Process. Let’s get ready to take our creativity to the next level. Future Da Vinci’s apply here.

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August 19, August 20, August 21, August 22, August 23